Dr. Steve Mbua

Dec 7, 2020


1.) Praying in tongues builds you up spiritually and helps you to live a Spirit-led life.

2.) Praying in tongues builds your faith (Jude 1:20)

3.) Praying in Tongues Allows You to Pray Even When You Don’t Know What to Pray

“And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” –(Romans 8:26)

Even when you don’t know how or what to pray, you can still pray…in tongues. You can trust your spirit to pray the perfect will of God, regardless of the situation.

Do you sometimes feel like you want to pray but somehow you feel like your prayer is not going past the roof of your house? What about times when you want to pray for something, but you lack the right words to articulate your problem? You have a helper in prayer, His name is the Holy Ghost. I want you to invite Him today, say these words, “Holy Spirit, I welcome you, help me in prayer and pray through me this day in the name of Jesus.”

Now, go ahead and yield yourself totally to the Holy Spirit, and by faith open your mouth and He will fill it.