Faith is a spiritual muscle that needs to be exercised in order to prevent atrophy, which makes our entire spiritual being weak. Faith is first a decision, then an exercise in obedience, then a gift from God as it is multiplied. Our first step of faith is taken when we decide we will receive Jesus as our Savior. After that, every time we decide to trust the Lord for anything, we build that faith. Whenever we decide not to trust God, we tear it down. Faith is our daily decision to trust God.
Faith is a gift from God because He enables us to believe, but we have to obey by building on that faith.
How do we start building faith? The first step is to be totally open and honest about any doubt in God’s ability or His faithfulness to provide for our every need. Doubt emanates from a lie of the enemy, which says that God is not all-powerful. If you’ve listened to this lie, confess it as sin. Then the next step is for you to fill your mind with the Word.
This morning, I want you to say, “Father God, I need a fresh flow of Your Holy Spirit power working in me this day. I am weak, but You are all-powerful. Be strong in me this day.” This is a power-full prayer of blessing.