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The story is told that when Lawrence of Arabia was in Paris with some of his friends

after World War I was concluded, he took them to see all of the famous landmarks of the

city. The group visited Napoleon's tomb, the Louve, and the Arch of Triumph.

But these amazing sights did not impress them as much as the water faucet in the bathtub

in the hotel in which they were staying. They spent a lot of time turning the faucet on

and off. How amazing! They could just turn the handle and get all of the water they


When the time came for the group's departure from Paris, the story is told that Lawrence

found his Arabian friends in the bathroom with wrenches trying to remove the faucet so

they could take it with them.

"You see, " they explained, "we live in a very dry country. We need faucets, because if

we have them, we can get all the water we want." Lawrence had to explain to these men

that the faucet depended upon the water system to which it was attached. If there was no

system attached, no water would flow through it.

This story is humorous, but it is actually a good example of how many believers look to

sources other than God for financial blessing. They look to their jobs, to relatives, to the

government, or to the social welfare system. If they lose their job, they are devastated. If

their rich relatives die, they mourn that their source of finances is shut off. If the

government fails and they lose their benefits, they panic.

Your source of financial blessing is not your job, your relatives, or the government. God

may use these "faucets" to deliver finances to you, but He is actually the source of your

income. It is God who directs the flow of provisions into your life. If one "faucet"

ceases to deliver, then He will provide another. When the manna ceased to fall, Israel

ate of the crops of their new land.

It is the connection to the water source that makes the faucet effective. It is your secure

connection to the Source that will keep the flow of finances pouring into your life.

Is your faith in the Source or the faucet?

PRAYER: My FATHER, My God, this year let my life reflect the blessing of the Lord, I shall not be static, I decree PROGRESS, FAVOR, HONOR, AND INFLUENCE are my portion. My life is SALTED, My speech is SALTED, My Home and Business are SALTED in the name of Jesus.


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