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Read: John 8:1-12

Someone said, it’s the mercy of the Lord that turns a mess into a message to reach the dying world. This is so true. In the story we just read, we see Jesus reset the life of a woman who had been condemned by her own people for her wrongdoing. Repentance is the button that resets a person’s life from a sinner to a saint, but that’s not all. Repentance is what opens the door for a person to receive mercy from God. Here are a few things for you to know about the mercy of God. When a person receives mercy from God, all his or her sins are forgiven. Judgment is withheld when we receive God’s mercy that’s why you will hear preachers say this, “mercy triumphs over judgment.” When mercy is in place, your rightful position is not only given to you, but it is sustained forever. And finally, when God’s mercy is in place, forgiveness becomes easy. The woman in our scripture was caught in a sin that was very serious. According to the law of Moses, it was a sin punishable by death but Jesus gave her mercy which is freedom from condemnation, shame and the guilt of her sin. May the mercy of the Lord turn all your mess into a message to reach the lost for Christ in the Mighty name of Jesus.

The woman did not only receive mercy. Mercy has a companion called grace. Mercy forgives, but grace is given to polish you up to attract favor from God and man. What mercy has forgiven, grace picks up for flawless victory in life. Grace positions you for greatness. Grace opens doors of opportunities for your destiny fulfilment. When you are under God’s grace, before you knock, the door is opened. Grace moves you to the very top without much work. It is not luck, but grace makes men great in life.

Do you want to enjoy God’s mercy and grace in all that you do today? Then, you must come to the real grace of God personified – Jesus Christ. The way mercy and grace works is that you will first of all be forgiven of your sins and then be saved from the impending judgment.

Jesus Christ is the mercy and grace of God. All you need to do is come to Him with all of your heart like the woman we read about. The Bible says: When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. – John 8:10-11.

The mercy of God will reset your life and turn you from a failure into a success. But for that to happen you have to first of all surrender your life to Jesus Christ who is the mercy and grace of God personified. Do it now!



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