For years, believers have sought a deeper experience with God that would result in His proof-producing power being demonstrated in our midst. The church has held revival meetings, rallies, retreats, and promotions. People have been blessed–enjoying the presence of the Lord, singing, dancing in the Spirit, and experiencing times of great joy.
The trouble is that repeatedly, many believers have stopped at the point of blessing and have not entered into the depth of relationship that God intends them to have. We have not gone far enough. The big question is how far do you want to go? Do you want to have more than just blessings? Do you want the miracle-working power of God manifested through your life and ministry?
We have amazing edifices, artistic crosses, and elaborate stained glass windows. We have great choirs singing beautiful anthems. We have fellowships and buffet dinners. We have men in the pulpit who have been to a theological seminary and can preach a homiletically sound message, delivering a beautiful sermon point-by-point. They baptize in water, counsel those with problems, and conduct weddings and funerals. But something is missing. It is not enough!
No one likes to deal with negatives. However, in order to become a proof-producer we must deal with things as they are and not as we would like them to be. We must face the truth, even if that truth is difficult to accept. Many of our church fellowships are devoid of the proof-producing power of God.
Here is a truth that, if you learn it and act upon it, will be a valuable asset in life. It is this: All success is based on dealing with people and situations exactly as they are and not as you would like them to be. For example, if you are dealing with a dishonest person, you must treat him as such. Do not trust him, for he is not trustworthy.
All truth is parallel. We must deal with spiritual conditions as they are and not as we would like them to be. The Bible says: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). The truth is, how will we ever reach this world for God if we continue to do business as usual inside the walls of our churches?
Just how far do you want to go with God? Determine right now that you don’t want to do "business as usual" in the spiritual realm. Like the new generation of Israelites, determine that "wherever You command us to go, whatever You tell us to do, we will do it!"
My FATHER, My God, this year let my life reflect the blessing of the Lord, I shall not be static, I decree PROGRESS, FAVOR, HONOR, AND INFLUENCE are my portion. My life is SALTED, My speech is SALTED, My Home and Business are SALTED in the name of Jesus.