Mercy distinguishes God from every other god. That’s why one of the greatest attributes of a child of God is the ability to pardon another person’s iniquity. Although many times this may seem hard for us, we are to be true imitators of God. Paul wrote to the Ephesians: “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)
If you and I are going to be great in the kingdom of God, it will be because like our heavenly Father, we pardon other people’s iniquities.
Our biggest achievements in life are not wealth and other ideals we pursue but our ability to show God’s mercy to fellow human beings. This is not only about other people, but we must also learn to forgive ourselves. The greatest person is the one who forgives immediately. In our opening scripture we are told that God is God because He does the following:
1. He Pardons our iniquities
2. He Passes over our iniquities and transgressions
3. He Does not keep His anger forever because He delights in mercy
4. He will turn again, and have compassion on us
5. He will subdue our iniquities; and will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
Why would God do this? Because He delights in mercy. As imitators of God, we are able to do these 5 things because we are products of the mercy of God.
Mercy pardons, mercy passes over judgment, and mercy has compassion on others.
Thank you, Father, for pardoning my iniquities
I am an imitator of God, and today I commit to giving mercy to others as God has given me mercy in Jesus Name.