In the New Testament Jesus told us to abide in Him as a branch abides in the vine (John 15:1-8). We know that by abiding Jesus did not mean to pray. Toward the end of that example, He said if we abide in Him, then we can ask whatever we want -the Father will give it to us. Prayer is an extension of abiding. Prayer flows out of abiding. What does it mean to abide? Paul tells us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Paul meant that apart from posturing on your knees and spending time in the prayer room pray while you walk, drive, when you lay down and when you rise up. Let prayer become a lifestyle instead of something you do at church. Prayer is when I visit with God. Meditation is when God visits me.
Meditation brings visitation
You don’t have to be in a prayer room to experience that visitation, but your mind and affection must be directed to Him for that visitation to take place. Judas had a thought planted by the devil, which he cultivated and meditated on – it resulted with the devil himself entering Judas, of all places, during the last supper. Imagine that. Wrong meditation brought wrong visitation, even though he was in the right place. Whatever place you are in today: work, school, gym – focus your meditation on God. He will visit you. If the devil visited Judas during communion, God can visit you during work – if you meditate on Him.
Sometimes, meditating on scriptures and God’s presence is easy, we just turn our thoughts into talks with God, our worry into worship, shift from thinking about problems to thinking about His precious promises. That is why there will be times where we will have to take our thoughts captive.
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
We do that by accepting responsibility for our thoughts, speaking God’s word out loud, responding to God in that situation instead of reacting to it. Teach our mind about the Lord and make it focus on God. Our mind is not our master it’s the servant to the Master Jesus.
Father in the name of Jesus, I take every negative thought captive in my life. As I meditate on your word today, Father visit me and give me a testimony for your glory in the name of Jesus.